PVNC schools to celebrate Caring and Safe Schools Week
Nov. 12, 2020
We Are All Wonderfully Made
As Catholics, we believe that we are wonderfully made in the image and likeness of a God who created us and loves us unconditionally – just as we are. We are called to love and celebrate one another, just as God loves and celebrates each one of us. We honour the inherent dignity of every person by treating one another with care, compassion, and respect. Pope Francis calls us “to discover the gifts of each person, to promote that which unites us, and to regard our differences as an opportunity to grow in mutual respect.” (Fratelli Tutti, [134])
During this Caring and Safe Schools week, we will be raising awareness of the things all of us need to do to demonstrate care for each other, to keep our schools safe, to challenge the behaviours that threaten that safety, and to strengthen the climate of our school communities. All throughout the year, our Catholic schools are dedicated to nurturing safe and inclusive learning environments where every student is welcomed, valued, and respected.
There is a place for everyone. All are welcome, not only for one week or one month of the year, but always: every single day. Let us strive, together, to make this truth a reality for everyone in our PVNC Catholic school communities. Let this beautiful image of our unity and diversity serve as a reminder that we are all wonderfully made.
Caring and Safe Schools Week
Five themes will help guide PVNC schools as the Board sets to celebrate Caring and Safe Schools Week, running Nov. 15 to 21.
Coinciding with the Ministry’s “Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week,” schools will take on activities that reinforce the ideas of spreading kindness, building resiliency and calming the mind.
From morning prayers to school-wide activities, the Board’s Wellness and Safe Schools Group has provided schools with a variety of resources to inspire students and educators.
The theme days are as follows:
Intentional Kindness – Monday, Nov.16
Building Resilience – Tuesday, Nov. 17
Caring Connections – Wednesday, Nov. 18
Be Kind Online – Thursday, Nov. 19
Reduce & Recharge – Friday, Nov. 20