woman using laptop on table


Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) came into effect on July 1, 2014. Under the legislation, anyone (including teachers, principals, office staff, etc.) who sends an electronic message that encourages participation in a commercial activity must do the following:

  1. Obtain the consent of the recipient
  2. Provide identification information about the sender
  3. Provide an unsubscribe option so recipients can remove themselves from the list

For more information on CASL, visit the Government of Canada’s website: www.fightspam.gc.ca

Electronic messages that are not of a commercial nature, but are simply for informational purposes (e.g. student progress, notice of a community or school council meeting) do not fall under CASL. Hard copy communications such as newsletters, flyers and letters, faxes and voice messages, even if they contain commercial content, are exempt from the legislation.

All commercial electronic messages originating from PVNC will contain the sender’s name, the institution name and address and an invitation to remove yourself from the school mailing list by replying with the word “Unsubscribe”

If you have concerns or complaints regarding CASL and a PVNC email please complete this form and a member of our administration team will contact you within 48 hours.