Woman during a psychotherapy session

Resources for Students

The Board provides these education and community links for your convenience. Clicking these links will take you away from the Board site to external sites. Inquiries about these websites should be directed to the individual site owners.  

There are resources in the community to support students with their Mental Health and Wellbeing.  Crisis support is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for those who need additional support. 

Anxiety Canada
Kids Help Phone
Mind Your Mind
Teen Mental Health

General Information

Canadian Mental Health Association
Centre for Suicide Prevention
Children’s Mental Health Ontario
Council of Directors of Education (CODE)
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Mental Health Services, Help and Support in Your Community
Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health
Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium For School Health
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
Strong Minds Strong Kids
Together to Live

Walk In Clinics with limited hours are available in each of the Counties