Parent Engagement Matters – You Can help Your Child Succeed at School
During the elementary and secondary school years, your child will learn, grow, share different experiences, and face new challenges. As a parent or guardian, your ongoing interest, encouragement, and support makes a difference to your child both in the classroom and at home.
There are many ways that you can help and there are many ways that we can help. For more information about key issues including, how you can help your child succeed, and how you can support your child during these important years, please select a topic from the list below.
If you would like further details on any of the information found here, or cannot find something specific to your needs, please send an email to [email protected] or call (705) 748-4861, Ext. 1213. We welcome your suggestions for making this web site more helpful to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to know about Assessment and Parent-Teacher interviews?
Throughout the year, teachers evaluate student progress using a variety of methods, and provide grades and other feedback to assess progress. Parents are welcome to participate in the assessment process through parent-teacher conferences. Information is also available at
How can I help my secondary school child with homework at home (if I don't know the answers)?
Homework helps students retain information or learn important concepts. A free online math tutoring service is available to students in secondary school at (Certified teachers in Math, English, and Science are available Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. for one-on-one confidential help).
What do I need to know about Grade 3 and 6 EQAO testing for my child?
Visit the Education Quality and Assessment Office at to see the Parents Guide, sample questions, and more.
Who can I talk to if my child has problems at school?
Parents/guardians are encouraged to make an appointment and see their child’s teacher bout the problem. If the issue needs to be discussed further the school principal is available for advice. Each school has a Superintendent of Schools that will discuss concerns with parents if they cannot be resolved at the teacher of principal level. The Director of Education is also available to speak to parents about concerns if the issue has not been resolved during the above mentioned process.
How can I help my child select secondary school courses?
Parents/guardians are encouraged to make an appointment with the school’s Guidance Counsellor available in everyCatholic secondary school.
How can I help my child deal with bullying?
For immediate attention, please call your child’s school office. School safety is vitally important. Read Board policies on school safety, bullying and harassment, emergency preparedness, and threat assessment.
More information is available in the Parents Guide at
Where can I learn more about Special Education for my child?
Our provides details about programs and assistance for exceptional students. Contact the Board’s Special Education Services at (705) 748-4861.
What are some of the ways that I can get involved in my child's school?
Get involved in your child’s school through Catholic School Councils, Catholic Parent Engagement Committee, Ontario Parent Involvement, or other volunteer opportunities; there are a variety of ways to get involved in your child’s school life.
I come from a different country. Where can I find more information about the Catholic elementary and secondary school system?
Parents of should read further details on special requirements.
Call (705) 748-4861 and read more on the Ministry of Education website at
What is my child expected to learn in the elementary and secondary system?
Your child is important us. Like all schools in Ontario, our curriculum is provided by the Ministry of Education. Read more about curriculum expectations for each grade. Call us at (705) 748-4861 and read more on the Ministry of Education website at .
How can I help my elementary school child with reading, math, and/or writing?
At one time or another, most parents wonder how their child is stacking up in school. Part of answering that is knowing when kids should learn to read, write, and do different kinds of math? Visit to find tips on helping your child.
Where can I find more information for parents and kids?
We are pleased to provide parents with a list of community, provincial, and education resources.
Where can I find more information about family health issues (including nutrition, relationships, and physical activity)?
Our schools participate in many sports and athletics programs throughout the year, including Board-wide and Ontario-wide competitions. Health information is available from local Health Units.
Where can I find out about bus transportation?
The Board transports approximately 9,200 students to school every day. Our Transportation page ( has the contact information for our transportation service companies.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.