Enrichment activities are offered for students in the French Immersion program.
Student Exchanges
Students may participate in various exchanges outside Ontario and outside Canada. These exchanges – with Quebec or European students, for example – greatly contribute to the cultural and linguistic education of students, enhancing their overall perspective on life.
In some schools, Official Language Monitors provide extra help for students learning French. Monitors are post-secondary students who assist classroom teachers by providing enriched activities to pupils. The monitors bring with them a cultural and linguistic background well suited to French as a second language learning.
Cultural Activities
Living the French language through activities such as drama presentations, folk dancing, singing, art projects, cooking, and special celebrations is an important component of French as a second language. Community organizations such as Canadian Parents for French (CPF), the public library, or local Francophone organizations often offer extra-curricular programs in French. Check your local newspaper or contact these groups for more information.