teacher working at her desk


Grade/Course Outlines

Grade/course outlines provide a clear understanding of what is expected during the year/semester. The outlines will include information on curriculum and assessment as required in the Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Handbook. Grade/course outlines will be provided to all secondary students within the first week of classes.

Reporting Methods

Teachers provide meaningful feedback to students and parents throughout the term/semester for the purpose of improving student achievement. Teachers will use a variety of reporting methods to communicate student achievement and progress, including:

  • Conferencing (student-led and/or parent-teacher)
  • Use of the agenda book
  • Portfolios
  • Student work samples
  • Phone calls
  • Letters to parents
  • Report cards

Communication between student, parent, and teacher is the key to improving student achievement. Positive, constructive comments about a student’s achievement or development will be shared with parents in a timely, ongoing manner.

Grade Assignment

Teachers apply professional judgment based on the evidence of student achievement gathered, to assign a grade in a course or subject. The grade will reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course/subject, although special consideration may be given to more recent evidence of achievement where appropriate.

Teachers will select appropriate evaluation methods and strategies which will allow them to evaluate and track student achievement of the Overall Expectations of the curriculum/course related to the four categories of the Achievement Charts

  • Knowledge and Understanding
  • Thinking
  • Communication
  • Application

All four categories must be reflected in the report card grade; this is Ministry policy. While each category must be a significant factor in evaluating student achievement, assignments do not have to be divided or tracked by achievement categories.<?

Teachers will provide accommodations to students that will enable them to be successful. Accommodations are strategies and supports that may be applied to the curriculum, assessment strategies, and/or instruction. Examples of accommodations include providing extra time, different resources, and/or an alternative mode of demonstrating learning.

Teachers from Grades 1-12 complete one Progress Report Card (November) and two Provincial Report Cards (February and June) according to Ministry and/or Board policy using the guidelines outlined in Growing Success, the Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting Elementary Handbook.

Currently, Kindergarten teachers complete a Developmental Checklist Progress Report in February and a Summary of Growth and Development Report Card in June.