Portrait of a mother picking up her kid from school and talking to the teacher while looking happy - education concepts

Ontario Parent Involvement

In 2004, a group of parent leaders completed the Parent Voice in Education Project for the Ontario Ministry of Education, a study designed to create a voice for parents in schools and propose required provincial assistance. The project recommended a Parent Involvement Policy focused on increasing parent involvement in schools and with the education system.

The Parent Involvement Policy includes a range of activities from good parenting, helping with homework, serving on school councils and board or provincial committees, communicating and meeting with teachers, and volunteering in the classroom or on school trips.

The Ministry of Education will hold annual regional forums to discuss parent concerns. Parent communication will be improved, including a Parent Portal with information, an e-network, and a parent handbook.

School boards will be required to establish Parent Involvement Committees to provide parent advice and support parent engagement.
The Board supports parent involvement via the Catholic School Councils and the Catholic Parent Engagement Committee.

Read the whole report on Ontario Parent Involvement, and read the Parents in Partnership draft policy. The Ministry of Education also maintains resources on parent involvement.