father and little daughter go to school or daycare, education

Direct Your Property Taxes

Direction of School Support

By registering your child into a Catholic District School Board, you have chosen to support Catholic Education through direction of your school support.

When you designate yourself as an English Catholic School Supporter, you help foster a strong political voice through your elected representative (Trustee), in ensuring your rights to a Catholic education in our province. To verify that you are registered as an English Catholic school supporter, check the assessment section of your tax bill or Property Assessment Notice.

To register or change your direction of school support, contact 705-748-4861 or 1-800-461-8009.

A Catholic School Lease Agreement is an additional document, required by the government, which allows people, jointly responsible for the payment of property taxes, either directly through ownership or indirectly through the payment of rent, one of whom is non-Catholic, to direct school support to the Catholic system.

Both of the forms are posted below.  They should be completed and forwarded to your child’s school if you have not directed your tax support to English Catholic schools.

All Catholics are eligible to support Catholic education:

School support direction should be made even if you don’t have children currently attending school. It is an investment in our future and all Catholic ratepayers are partners with Catholic educators in this investment.

Have you moved?

Even if you have been an English Catholic supporter in the past, the designation does not follow you when you relocate. Every time you move, it is essential that you re-declare yourself as a Catholic school supporter.

Please click on the following:

Application for Direction of School Support Form
Information about the Application for Direction of School Support Form