Shot of a wife consoling her husband during a counseling session with a therapist

Mental Health and Well-Being

Mind Body Spirit: Being Well – Strategy for Mental Health and Well-Being 2021-2025

“The future of any society depends on its ability to foster the healthy development of the next generation.” (Harvard University Center on the Developing Child)

Well-being is that positive sense of self, spirit, and belonging that we feel when our cognitive, emotional, social and physical needs are being met (Ontario’s Well-Being Strategy for Education). Promoting well-being is one of the four interconnected goals of Achieving Excellence, Ontario’s renewed vision for education. This goal is based on the principle that our education system needs to help students build the knowledge and skills associated with well-being so that they can become healthy, active and engaged citizens.

The Board recognizes that the mental health and well-being of our students and staff is absolutely foundational to their success in and out of the classroom. We all have a collective responsibility to create healthy learning and work environments that contribute to life-long learning and that enable every individual at PVNC to reach their God-given potential. In addition to our work in Equity and Inclusive Education and Safe Schools which support the safety and belonging of all students, we are pleased to have a Being Well Strategic Plan with a specific focus on:

  • Promoting mentally healthy classrooms and schools
  • Reducing stigma related to mental illness
  • Noticing and supporting students and staff in need

We are also pleased to provide evidence-based resources to support instruction in the classroom. The guidelines for selection of school-based mental health activities are available in this guide .

Vision for Mental Health and Well-Being

Our entire educational community is an inclusive place that fosters resilience through a holistic approach to student achievement, rooted in our Catholic faith, where all learners are supported to Be Well.

Core Beliefs

We all have mental health.
We all experience challenges to our mental health.
We all can learn how to take care of our mental health.

Mental Health and Well-Being Priorities

Through the lens of our gospel values, we will: Build Awareness Build Capacity, and Build Culture to support all learners to Be Well.

Our One Year Action Plan provides an outline of how we will be engaging in mental health activities throughout the year.

Vulnerable Persons Registry

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Peterborough ~

Northumberland ~

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