two people working at table

Education and Career / Life Planning

The framework of the Education and Career/Life Planning Program is a four-step inquiry process based on four areas of learning:


  1. Who am I? (Knowing Yourself)
  2. What are my opportunities? (Exploring Opportunities)
  3. What do I want to become? (Making Decisions and Setting Goals)
  4. What is my plan for achieving my goals? (Achieving Goals and Making Transitions)







Starting in Kindergarten, students create an All About Me portfolio, which includes artifacts related to the four areas of learning.  In Grades 7-12, students document what they learn in an Individual Pathways Plan (IPP).  The IPP is a web-based document, created through MyBluePrint.

Students review their IPP a minimum of twice a year in collaboration with a teacher and/or guidance counsellor, their parents (in student-led conferences or by electronic means), and their peers, where appropriate.  Through this collaborative review of the IPP, parents and teachers gain insight into the options students are considering, the challenges they face and the plans they have started to develop.

Link to Creating Pathways to Success policy document:

For more information, contact Bridget Girard, Principal of Continuing, Adult, and Experiential Learning, at 705-748-4861, ext. 1172 or [email protected]