1) How long before my event should I request a permit?
You need to request your permit a minimum of 10 business days in advance of your event; the sooner the better
2) Do all schools cost the same?
The rental fees do not vary from school to school within our Board i.e. a single gym at one school will cost the same as a single gym at any other PVNC school. When you are requesting a weekend permit at a school there may be additional custodian charges, please contact the Outreach Coordinator to confirm all applicable rates.
3) Why do you need to know how many participants?
Our on-site staff need to be aware of how many people will be entering the building. This information is also required for Ministry data collection.
4) Can we rent out classroom space?
Classroom space may be available depending on the school and the event it is being used for. Please contact the Outreach Coordinator should you have a requirement.
5) What if I want a room that is not listed?
Typically, gyms, cafeterias and some classrooms are the facilities approved for community use. If you wish to use another facility please contact the Outreach Coordinator. Specialized areas are not available for community use i.e.: Weight/Exercise rooms, Computer Labs, Kitchens, Wood/Auto Shop areas.
6) What times can I request?
From Monday to Friday, you can request anytime between 6:00pm and 10:00 pm at most schools. On the weekend, permits can be granted between 7am and 10:00pm.
7) What does the red highlighted area mean on my permit when submitting?
Red indicates that there is a conflict with the time or date. That particular space is not available during that time on the date you have requested. You can hold your curser over it to receive an explanation. Left click on it to adjust the time, day or school.
All the conflicts can be removed by clicking on ‘remove’. All PD Days, long weekends, Secondary School exams and board holidays (including March Break, Christmas and summer) will show as conflicts as they are not available. Please remove the conflicts before proceeding.
8) Our group wants to use school equipment.
Permit holders may be allowed the use of school equipment (fees may apply) i.e.: tables, chairs, sports equipment etc… that are located at that school. Please note that equipment may vary from school to school. The use of any school equipment is at the discretion of the school principal, and must be arranged in advance of your booking and must be listed on your approved permit
9) What if we need to cancel or make changes to our permit once we have input it and/or it is approved?
Changes and additions can be requested through your permit on-line or by contacting the Outreach Coordinator directly. At least 7 days notice is required. Please note that there is a fee for all changes or cancellations where less than 7 days notice is given.
10) If I have a question about my permit what should I do?
There is a ‘Discussion’ tab at the top of your permit. Click on the tap and enter your question here. The Outreach Coordinator will respond or you may contact the Outreach Coordinator directly by telephone.
11) Once I submit my request is it approved?
No. There may be other requests ahead of yours that can only be seen by the Outreach Coordinator. This is more common in late Spring early Summer when the volume is high. Permits are processed in a first come first serve basis. Community Groups must wait until the permit is approved before promoting their event.
12) How long will it take before my request is approved?
Depending on when you input your request it could take up to 2 weeks but typically much quicker. Spring/Summer is the busiest time and will take longer to process the permits. We do our best to give everyone their first request of time and space.
13) How will I know if my permit is approved?
Once your permit has been approved, you will receive an e-mail copy. There may be some dates missing from your original request due to conflicts or school events. Be sure to check the dates in the listing.
14) What is required for the Certificate of Insurance?
The Certificate of Insurance must name the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland & Clarington Catholic District School Board as an ‘additional insured’ with minimum liability coverage of $2,000,000. It must be a current certificate that covers all of the dates and spaces on your permit.
If you cannot provide a Certificate of Insurance, coverage can be purchased through the School Board. Please indicate that you require insurance when inputting your permit. When you purchase insurance through the school board, you are accepting the policy in the link below:
15) When I checked the calendar it didn’t show any bookings for the date I was looking for yet the permit was not approved. What happened?
Until a permit is approved it will not appear on the calendar. When the volume is high, especially during the spring/summer, there will always be a number of permits in pending status. A permit reverts to pending status when a group makes an alteration to an existing permit. We do our best to approve changes and new permits as soon as possible after they are received.
16) How do I pay for my permit?
The best and easiest way to pay for your permit is On-line through our secure Credit Card payment system. We accept Visa or MasterCard and this is entered into your User Profile when you registered. In most cases a registration will not be approved unless you have entered a credit card but in the rare chance you do not pay by credit card, payment may be required up front before your Community Use begins. All credit card payments are taken on the last day of the month.
17) What if my Credit Card Declines?
If your credit card declines for any reason we charge a Credit Card Decline Fee and ALL your permits are cancelled/put on hold until your balance is paid in full. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure the credit card is up to date and hasn’t expired. After so many Credit Card Declines (at the discretion of the Board) PVNCCDSB has the right to cancel your future permits without notice.
18) What if I forgot to cancel a night or I do not show up for my permitted use?
It is very important that you show up for your permit times. We charge No Show Fees + Full Applicable charges for the night when you do not show up. Please refer to our fee schedule. After so many No Show’s PVNCCDSB has the right to cancel your future permits without notice.
19) What if I forget my Username and Password?
Please contact the Outreach Coordinator and they can tell you what your Username is. The password can’t be seen from the Administrative side due to Privacy laws but the Outreach Coordinator can reset it for you.
20) What if I want to serve alcohol during my event?
PVNCCDSB has a strict “No Alcohol” policy. Any user group using/serving alcohol will be immediately removed from the property and all future permits cancelled.
21) Am I allowed to smoke on school property?
PVNCCDSB has a strict “No Smoking” policy on school property. Under no circumstances is smoking permitted on school properties.
22) What if an incident or illegal activity happens at my event. What happens now?
PVNCCDSB has every right to cancel a permit at any time if illegal activity happens on any of our school property. If incidents such as arguing, fighting or inappropriate behaviour occurs on School Board Property, PVNCCDSB can cancel the permit at any time without notice. The first priority is the safety of our children, staff and property.
23) What if there is an accident or claim during my permit time?
Your policy is providing liability coverage in the event of a serious injury, or a legal action. Make sure you contact the Outreach Coordinator immediately in the event of an incident.
24) Is there Community Use on Inclement Weather days?
Always check your email on a regular basis. If the School Board has closed all schools or specific areas, the Outreach Coordinator may cancel your permit for that day and you will be notified by email and you will not be charged for that day’s use. Please note that just because buses are cancelled School is not cancelled and Community Use may go on as normal. The decision is made by the Principal of the School based on needs or staffing
25) Can I bring food in or prepare food on site for my Community Use event?
No, Under no circumstances can you bring in any outside food or clothing to sell without the consent from the Board prior to your event. This also includes bringing food in and setting up any electrical heating or cooking appliance such as crock pots or grills etc. Failure to comply with this policy will result in future permits being cancelled and possible denial of any future permit requests. If you have any questions or need clarification please contact the Outreach Coordinator prior to your event
26) Can I bring in my own Cleaning Supplies?
No, school board custodial staff are responsible for cleaning all school facilities.
27) If you have ideas and/or feedback on how the school board can help improve our accessibility services, please refer to this LINK