students smiling at camera

International Students

Registration and Admission

International students who are interested in attending one of our board’s Catholic schools should contact:

Derek Abrams
Principal of Adult and Continuing Education
Tel: 1-800-461-8009, Ext. 1176

[email protected]

Here is the International Student Application Form.

For a listing of schools within our Board, please click on the School Finder page.

Tuition Fees for International Students

Tuition and Application Fees

The tuition for a full 2024/25 academic year in elementary school (grades 1-8) is $13,100. The tuition for a full 2024/25 academic year in secondary school (grades 9-12) is $14,200 or $7,100 for a semester, or part thereof.  A non-refundable application fee of $250 also applies and is included in the tuition fee.

Tuition fees do not include medical insurance, uniforms, transportation, or school activity fee registration costs.

Paying Tuition Fees

Tuition fees must be paid by certified cheque or money order, upon preliminary acceptance, in order to receive an acceptance letter.  Tuition fees for returning students must be paid before the start of the school year.

Enrolling During the School Year

If an elementary student enrolls during the school year, fees are pro-rated based on the number of months remaining in the school year, including the month that the child begins attendance. If a student’s tuition is paid before the announcement of new tuition fees, the student will be billed for the difference.

Withdrawing from School

If Citizenship and Immigration Canada does not approve a study permit, tuition will be refunded in full less the application fee. If a student withdraws from school before January 31, 50% of the full-year tuition fees will be refunded.  Withdrawals after January 31st will not be eligible for any refund of fees.