Close up of hands of student doing test.

EQAO & Board Plans

Each year, the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) develops student assessments based on expectations in the Ontario curriculum. The assessment provides quality information on the achievements of students, and enhances classroom assessment data collected by teachers through the school year.

The EQAO is an independent agency operating within a framework established by the government of Ontario. The EQAO’s mandate is to ensure greater accountability and contribute to the enhancement of the quality of education in Ontario through provincial assessments and reviews of elementary and secondary schools.

Using the Results

Assessment results are not used to rank schools. They are used to improve teaching and learning. Ranking provides no information about why scores are high or low, invites simplistic and misleading comparisons that ignore the particular circumstances affecting achievement in each school, and distracts from addressing the more critical issues of how to improve learning for all students.

Detailed information for our Board is available at the following link: