Everyday Heroes: Theresa Greavette, Brianna Gubernat-Volinz, Sonja Miller, Deacon Shawn Panio, Patricia Apac, and Karyne Roy

Every week we celebrate PVNC staff members who have been recognized by a parent, student or colleague as an Everyday Hero. Every school and every department in our Board has an Everyday Hero who expresses their kindness, courage and love through simple, ordinary actions that uplift the lives of the people around them and the students we serve. An Everyday Hero is a caring adult, an empathetic colleague, somebody who simply makes going to work each day worthwhile.

This week we are celebrating Theresa Greavette, Brianna Gubernat-Volinz, Sonja Miller, Deacon Shawn Panio, Patricia Apac, and Karyne Roy.

Theresa Greavette Everyday Hero

Theresa is the Human Resources Administrator, Office of the Superintendent of Learning/Leadership and Human Resource Services at the CEC. Theresa was nominated by a colleague, who said:

Theresa provides guidance and support to her colleagues and is a valuable team member in the Human Resources Services Department. Her commitment to her work in HR ensures that each employee is supported in a variety of ways so that staff can work to create a culture of faith, hope and love in our schools enabling students to develop their own God-given abilities.

From the minute she enters the department with a smile and hello to the daily tasks she is always professional, self motivated and dedicated to the quality and integrity of work and she inspires us all. She consistently goes the extra mile not just for work but her co-workers as well and treats everyone with the same respect and positive attitude . Her spirit of fair play, teamwork and work ethic inspires us all.  She genuinely embodies PVNC’s spirit and our core values in everything she does. Always keep your sense of humour alive  – we love it! A true gem to work with.

Brianna V Everyday Hero

Brianne is an EA at St. Anne CES. Brianna was nominated by a colleague, who said:

We would like to nominate Bri for the kindness and compassion she shares with everyone! Bri enters the school each day and can be heard asking each person she meets how their morning is going. Many people do this but with Bri it is different it is felt by all that she truly wants to know how you are! She calmly and quietly works with each of the lucky students that get to call her “Their Miss V”. She can be heard praising and encouraging each student even in the most challenging situations. She is always looking for ways to help bridge the gap for the students she works with, and more importantly she always thanks others for their support and interest in her students. Bri never does anything for recognition or praise but purely because that is who she is! Thank you Bri for making our school a better place!

Sonja Miller Everyday Hero

Sonja is a Finance Officer at the CEC. Sonja was nominated by a colleague, who said:

Sonja is passionate about the work she does in supporting our school secretaries. She is always available to support them with their questions and her knowledge, training expertise and humour is invaluable.

Sonja by far is one of the kindest, patient and efficient people I have encountered during my employment at PVNC. Anytime I have questions about expenses, budget, banking or Cash-on-line, Sonja responds quickly and effortlessly. Her wealth of knowledge is extensive and she’s so patient with those who do not have a financial background. I have never felt intimidated when I reach out to Sonja because I know she will have the answers I need. Thank you so much Sonja for being so approachable!!! You are a ROCK STAR!

Shawn Panio Everyday Hero

Deacon Shawn Panio is the Chaplaincy Leader at St. Stephen CSS. Deacon Shawn was nominated by a colleague, who said:

Despite the challenge of joining the St. Stephen community during the pandemic, Deacon Shawn has already made a significant impact on the school community. Deacon Shawn has subtly made spirituality a bigger part of everyday life in the school. He has also made social justice a priority. In addition to his chaplaincy he has also supported extra curricular activities in the school by coaching and mentoring an after school rock band. The easiest way to describe Deacon Shawn’s impact is to notice that pretty much every student in the school knows him and thinks that he is pretty cool… for an adult.

Patty Apac

Patty is a teacher at St. Mary Lindsay CES. Patty was nominated by a colleague, who said:

Patty is an incredible teacher that has solidified her spot at St Mary in Lindsay. She attended the school as a child and now provides the greatest quality education for a colourful community. Patty’s love for the environment has led her to lead many programs in school for recycling which have won the school many awards. She even takes recycling home because the school no longer does so.  Every Thursday, rain or shine, her class does outdoor Education where they learn about the world around them all day. They are out and about picking up garbage, going down to the river and watching the trees as the seasons change. In the building, Patty’s room is filled with books that help inspire and teach her multicultural and multi faith classroom. She leads our choir and does an amazing job at guiding her class through everything our faith has to offer. Every year students leave her class enriched in curriculum, morals, ethics and faith. She has been wonderful to teach alongside. She truly puts her students first and ahead of all else.

Karyne Roy

Karyne is a teacher at St. Michael CES. Karyne was nominated by a colleague, who said:

Karyne is the embodiment of kindness and compassion. She always takes new teachers under her wing to help guide them through their years at the school. Her students adore her and her class is a place where they can be themselves and take risks. She is always there when a colleague or student is struggling, to lend a hand or an ear. She never asks for or needs recognition, but she deserves a world of appreciation from all who have the pleasure of knowing her.

We would like to thank Theresa, Brianna, Sonja, Deacon Shawn, Patty, and Karyne for their commitment to creating a culture of faith, hope and love to ensure equity and well-being at our board.