Peterborough, Northumberland, and Clarington
If you are looking for the transportation information regarding City of Kawartha Lakes please click here.
The Board is committed to providing students with a safe environment while travelling on school buses and school transport vehicles. In order to keep our transportation system as safe as possible, Rules of Conduct on School Buses have been established for your child’s protection.
Eligible Distances for Transportation
Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario (STSCO) oversees transportation for students within our Board.
- Students in grades JK to 3 are provided transportation if their primary residence is more than 1.0 kilometre from the school by direct route, a publicly maintained road or walkway.
- Students in grades 4 to 8 are provided transportation if their primary residence is more than 1.6 kilometres from the school by direct route, a publicly maintained road or walkway.
- Bus stop locations are no more than 1.0 kilometre away from a student’s primary residence.
- What parents need to know “Before Bus Arrives and After Drop-Off” and “Student Transportation Guide” can be located on the STSCO homepage at
- For students that are ineligible for transportation, parents/guardians are responsible for bringing students to and from school, and dropping them off at bus stops prior to pick-up and drop-off (if required).
- For more information on new Kindergarten students, please visit the Bus Information section section of the STSCO website.
Bus Cancellations
Listen to your local radio station, visit the STSCO website in the morning, or call the STSCO information line at 705-748-5500 or 1-800-757-0307 for bus delays or cancellations. Remember that if a bus is cancelled in the morning, it will not run in the afternoon.
Rules of Conduct on School Buses
Rules of conduct have been established at each school to provide guidance to students regarding the Board’s expectations of acceptable behaviour while being transported. These rules form the basis for the submission of the Student Behaviour Report Form (Appendix A of Administrative Procedure AP-TRAN-1004) to be used when dealing with inappropriate conduct.
Riding on the Bus is a privilege not a right. A student guilty of misconduct may lose this privilege. Restoration of the privilege will be at the discretion of the principal after consultation with the student, his/her parent or guardian and where necessary, the respective school superintendent.
Video Camera & Digital Video Recording Devices on Buses
School buses are equipped with video cameras and digital video recording devices to assist bus drivers and staff with dealing with misconduct on buses. Appeal of Suspension or Recommendation for Expulsion hearings may use video footage obtained on buses. You can read the Board’s Transportation Policy for additional details.
Skateboards, Scooters, Roller Blades & Bicycles
To ensure the safety of students, all skateboards, scooters, roller blades, and bicycles must be walked on and off of school property. Please support the school in providing a safe environment for all.
School Boundary Information
Visit our Boundary Maps page for more information on Catholic school boundaries and locations.