Rebuild, Restore, Renew Together: PVNC Schools Celebrate Catholic Education Week

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April 27, 2022

During the week of May 1 to May 6, 2022, the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington (PVNC) Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic education has made to the community, the province and to Canada.

Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education.

The theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week is: Catholic Education: Rebuild, Restore, Renew Together (L’éducation catholique: Rebâtir, Rétablir, Renouveler Ensemble).

The theme applies to the importance of unity in the continuing reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for renewal following challenges to personal and spiritual well-being as well as the ongoing commitment to rebuild relationships through Truth and Reconciliation and the Ministry of Education’s focus on equity and inclusive education. Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti informs and provides many meaningful faith connections that speak to this year’s Catholic Education Week theme.

“I offer you my prayers and best wishes for this year’s Catholic Education Week,” Bishop Daniel Miehm said. “The Holy Spirit always brings us together and helps us to find ways to work together in the community of the church. One of the things that encourages me about Catholic Education is how so many people – students,  parents, teachers, staff members, clergy, leadership – work together hand in hand….to create school communities of learning, of Christian virtue and of true excellence. So in our work of Rebuilding, Restoring and Renewing, let us always journey together, trusting in the guidance and the strength of the Holy Sprit. May God bless you this Catholic Education Week and always.”


There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week and they are aimed at helping staff and students to reflect more fully on what Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing Together means to them. The five sub-themes are:

  • Monday, May 2: Rediscover (Redécouvrir)
  • Tuesday, May 3: Rebuild (Rebâtir)
  • Wednesday, May 4: Restore (Rétablir)
  • Thursday, May 5: Renew (Renouveler)
  • Friday, May 6: Rejoice (Se réjouir)

Catholic Education Week is marked by special activities at all grade levels, including prayer celebrations and service activities. PVNC will host its annual Catholic Student Leadership Awards night in-person at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School in Peterborough on Wednesday, May 4 at 7 p.m.