What is the purpose of report cards?
Report cards are intended to assess, evaluate, and report on student progress in a faith-centred environment. Assessments are based on oral, performance, and written tasks, and are designed to improve learning. Report card assessments are used to measure:
- What students already know and can do
- How to help students improve
- How much students have learned in a period of time
How are grades determined?
Based on evidence of achievement, teachers apply professional judgment to assign a letter or number grade in a subject. The grade reflects the student’s consistent level of achievement throughout the course, and may give special weight to recent achievement.
What standards are used for report card completion?
Report cards are completed in accordance with Ministry of Education guidelines, provided in the Board elementary school achievement, evaluation, and reporting handbook and the secondary school achievement, evaluation, and reporting handbook. Some schools complete additional formal reports, such as the kindergarten report card and progress reports.
When are report cards issued?
For elementary school students, parents will receive an elementary progress report card between October 20 and November 20. Progress reports provide information on student achievement and progress on the six Learning Skills and Work Habits identified by the Ministry of Education. Elementary provincial report cards are sent to parents twice a year: the first between January 20 and February 20, and the second at the end of June.
For secondary school students, parents will receive a progress report on the student’s Learning Skills and Work Habits 4-6 weeks after the start of the course. Progress reports provide information on student achievement. Formal reports are issued twice during a semester, on a schedule that varies from school to school.