Holy Trinity student runner-up in Imagine a Canada Truth and Reconciliation competition

student sitting at piano

June 13, 2019

Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School student Adam Koziorz has placed as an Ontario runner-up in the Imagine a Canada competition sponsored by Manitoba’s National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

Koziorz submitted an original piano composition, which was initially created as part of a classroom Deep Learning question – how can you use your talents and gifts in music to improve the community in which you live?

Students were working on projects as part of that theme when teacher Lisa Heitzner heard about the Imagine a Canada competition, which called for student art and music projects demonstrating that they could be a leader in the reconciliation process and inspire hope for the future.

“As this fell right in line with our driving question for the semester, I proposed this contest as the culminating task for the course,” Heitzner said. “Students were very excited and eager to participate.”

Koziorz created and entered his piece entitled “Restoration,” and he learned last week that his composition was a runner-up for the top prize in Ontario.

“This piece reflects my vision for a future Canada and what I imagine Truth and Reconciliation to be. I wanted to highlight the beginnings, the oppression, and my vision for reconciliation within this piece,” Koziorz explained.