An Easter Message from the Director of Education

Cross and palm on wooden white background easter sign symbol concept

April 9, 2020

Dear students, parents and guardians:  

We have come through our first week in this new learning environment with much success, a great deal of new learning, and an understanding that big changes take a bit of time. I want to thank all of our PVNC families for your patience, your suggestions, and your readiness to work with us as we embark on this new journey of learning. 

As we adapt to this new environment, I ask for your patience in reaching out to teachers, administrators, and other staff members, and allow them 24 hours to respond to your requests. It is possible you may have been receiving a phone call from the school or your child’s teacher – their number will most likely come up as “No Caller ID”, so we invite you to answer those calls as it might be the school calling. Finally,  I remind everyone of our obligation to practice physical distancing and healthy practices, as well as a reminder that all of our school facilities – grounds, play structures, and tracks – are closed.

My thanks to all of our teachers, principals, vice principals, and learning technology specialists for their diligence, their creativity, and their willingness to learn and try new things. We have been working through challenges and finding new solutions to problems we’ve never faced before. Step by step, we are getting there. Next week will be better than this week and, little by little, we are getting every PVNC student re-connected to their learning. 

It’s time to pause and reflect on the central mysteries of our faith that we celebrate this week on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.  We celebrate that God is with us in these trying and challenging times. We join together in renewing our faith in God, and in the resurrected life offered to us through Jesus, the Risen Christ.

May God’s Easter Spirit dwell in our hearts and in our homes, our hospitals and our health care workers, and in our Church, which is not just the physical sacred spaces in which we pray, but the community of love we are all called to be.




Michael Nasello

Director of Education