2021 PVNC Summer Institute provides professional learning for staff

2021 PVNC Summer Institute provides professional learning for staff

Each year, the summer institute is designed to bring educators together to share information on best practices in the field and to build common frameworks of knowledge and understanding to assist in unified planning for the upcoming school year. This year, the lineup of speakers shared high impact instructional and assessment practices, resources, and tools to support all students on their learning journey. Participants had opportunities to network, ask questions of experts, exchange ideas and share successes with peers. Classes included topics such as developing podcasts, executive functioning skills in the classroom, Google apps for education, and more.

With regards to teaching and learning of mathematics, PVNC was fortunate this year to have a number of leading Canadian research experts facilitate learning opportunities for educators from Kindergarten to Grade 12.  Participants learned how they can from day one, deepen student thinking through questioning, encourage richer student discourse, cultivate self-efficacy with students, and use student work to inform instruction and assessment.  There were also sessions that focused on Number Talks to support fluency and Coding across the mathematics curriculum.  

Positive feedback from participants confirmed that the summer institute solidified understanding, clarified some previous misconceptions, as well as provided examples of effective learning tools to start the school year off on the right track.