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Education Development Charge By-Law Renewal 2020

EDC Notice of Meetings
Notice of Passage of EDC By-Law – Municipality of Clarington


Updated October 13, 2020

AGENDA – PVNCCDSB &  KPRDSB Joint Policy Review Meeting – September 10, 2020

AGENDA – PVNCCDSB &  KPRDSB Successor By-Law Meeting – September 10, 2020


April 8, 2020

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) and the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board (PVNCCDSB) have education development charge (EDC) by-laws in place in the Municipality of Clarington (KPRDSB and PVNCCDSB) that are set to expire on July 1 of 2020. EDCs are a revenue source, for school boards that qualify, to purchase and develop land for new schools.  Legislation enacted in April 2020 has extended the expiry date for EDC’s due to COVID-19.  Tentatively, the new expiry date is planned for Oct. 1, 2020.

EDCs are meant as a funding mechanism for boards that are experiencing a growth-related accommodation need in their jurisdiction. In order to renew their by-laws each Board must follow certain processes and guidelines as required by provincial legislation.

The Boards intend to hold statutory public meetings to inform the public as to the new proposed EDC by-law. Further details will be provided in the Boards’ public meeting notices.

This background study provided below fulfils certain requirements while providing the background necessary to understand and determine the EDC.

Document List