smiling students

Administrative Procedure

1.0 Administrative Procedure

1.1 Committee

  1. The Director of Education will designate a staff member as chairperson and invite system representation to be members of the Accessibility For All Committee.
  2. The Committee will be comprised of a trustee, a superintendent, Coordinator of Student Services, a representative from Finance, Communications, Human Resources, Plant, Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario (STSCO), Information Technology, a principal, resource staff, Special Education Advisory Committee member, and community agency representative(s). Yearly updates will be requested from departments of the Board.

1.2 Mandate of Committee

  1. The Accessibility For All Committee will review current initiatives and successes in identifying, removing, and preventing barriers.
  2. Review and ensure audits are completed every FIVE years to ensure accessibility and the removal of barriers.
  3. The Committee will set priorities and develop accessibility strategies.
  4. Progress will be monitored through reports from Committee members and updates from Board departments at meetings each term (three times a year).
  5. The Annual Accessibility Plan will be reviewed, revised, published, and posted on our web site on a yearly basis.
  6. The resource binder Accessibility Awareness Activities that includes prayers, classroom and yard activities, simulations, and resources, and the Accessibility Brochure, will be produced and distributed to each school. These materials will also be posted on the Board’s website.
  7. The Committee will examine methods and equipment to assist in more accessible hearing in meeting rooms, the Boardroom, gymnasiums, and classrooms, etc.

1.3 Responsibilities of Staff

  1. The Director of Education will ensure:
    • the compliance of this Policy including investigating complaints based on disability
    • greater awareness and responsiveness to the needs of a person with disabilities by providing appropriate training for all staff and volunteers
    • when services that are normally provided to a person with a disability are temporarily unavailable such as access to an elevator, a disruption of service notice will be posted at the site
  2. All supervisory officers and department managers will ensure that Board policies comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005
  3. The Superintendent of Schools and Human Resource Services will:
    • ensure that, as new staff are hired, accessibility training will become a component of their orientation training
    • develop a procedure that assists staff with any barriers or special needs they have, and provide strategies that would support them
    • ensure that specific procedures and guidelines regarding reasonable accommodation in employment will be included in the Human Resources procedures
    • allow individuals to use their own assistive devices, service animals, or support persons to access services
    • ensure that assistive devices, services, and accommodations are provided when appropriate medical documentation is provided
  4. The Superintendent of Business and Finance will:
    • ensure that all architectural barriers are eliminated, and that capital projects comply with accessibility requirements as budget allows
    • ensure that all purchases do not create physical barriers
    • ensure that there are adequate financial resources to implement the Board’s Plan
  5. The Manager of Plant will:
    • ensure that the physical requirements for accessibility for the Catholic Education Centre, each secondary school, and one designated school for each community as defined by the Ontario Building Code are met
  6. The Manager of Communications will:
    • provide translation services, non-print, and alternative formats for School Board information brochures, forms, and web information upon request
    • publish and post on the Board’s web site the Board’s Accessibility Plan and obligations with respect to the Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005
    • produce a brochure outlining accessibility information
  7. The Manager of Purchasing, Planning and Facilities Administration will:
    • ensure that there is proper exterior and interior signage (including accessible parking and signage), using the international symbol for accessibility, at the Catholic Education Centre
    • furnish appropriate aids and services at the Catholic Education Centre
  8. The principal will:
    • complete the Accessibility Audit every FIVE years and review as needed
    • take appropriate steps to ensure that communications with applicants, participants, and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others
    • request appropriate aids and services from Special Education Services or agencies as needed
    • identify barriers and requisition special furniture and equipment for installations and/or modifications when required
    • arrange specialized transportation using the appropriate Board form
    • ensure that there is proper exterior and interior signage (including accessible parking and signage), using the international symbol for accessibility
    • ensure that school staff understand how to accommodate students with disabilities
    • outline procedures for staff accommodations or concerns.
  9. Special Education Services staff will purchase specialized equipment based on appropriate medical and/or agency reports to meet student needs in accordance with established procedures and Ministry of Education requirements

2.0 Terms and Definitions

2.1 Assistive Device

An assistive device is any device used by people with disabilities to help with their daily living. Assistive devices include a range of products such as wheelchairs, walkers, white canes, oxygen tanks, electronic communication devices.

2.2 Barrier

A barrier is anything that prevents a person with a disability from participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communication barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy, or practice: (“obstacle”).

2.3 Customer

A customer is any person who uses the services of the School Board.

2.4 Disability

As Defined by the Human Rights Code – Section 10 (1):

  • any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation, or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect, or illness, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes, mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheel chair or other remedial appliance or device
  • a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
  • a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language
  • a mental disorder
  • an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997: (“handicap”)

2.5 Family of Schools

A family of schools is the Catholic secondary school and the Catholic elementary schools within the geographic area that feed into it.

2.6 Physical Accessibility Criteria

The Catholic Education Centre, each secondary school, and a minimum of one school for each community where a Catholic school exists, must be physically accessible according to the following criteria:

  • designated parking areas with appropriate signage
  • cut-away curb
  • exterior and/or interior ramps with appropriate slopes and handrails as required
  • a minimum of one automatic door entrance
  • accessible gym
  • accessible library
  • a minimum of one accessible washroom
  • a minimum of one accessible classroom
  • clear path of travel in entrances and hallways leading to gym, library, washroom, and classroom
  • visually defined contrasts when any change of level occurs

2.7 Service Animal

A service animal is an animal that is being used because of a person’s disability, and this is either readily apparent or is supported by a letter from a medical practitioner or appropriate professional. The animal must be certified and trained by a licensed and registered trainer to support the person’s needs.

2.8 Support Person

A support person is a person who assists or interprets for a person with a disability as they access the services of the Board. A support person is distinct from an employee who supports a student in the system.

3.0 References/Related Documents

  • Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005 – governed by the Ministry of Citizenship
  • Human Rights Code – Duty to Accommodate
  • Ontario Education Services – Accessibility Working Group – Guide book for Policy Exemplar – Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
  • Access Ontario – Breaking Barriers Together
  • Assessment Act
  • Blind Persons’ Rights Act
  • The Building Code Act, 1992
  • Corporations Tax Act
  • Income Tax Act
  • Education Act
  • Ontario Disabilities Support Program Act, 1997
  • The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997
  • The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Policy 101, Community Use of Board Facilities
  • Policy 405, Occupational Health and Safety
  • Old Policy 905, Access to and Management of Information
  • Old Policy 915, Collection, Protection of and Access to Personal Information of Private Individuals

4.0 Related Administrative Procedures

  • AP-FAC-101, Community Use of Board Facilities
  • AP-HS-405, Occupational Health and Safety
  • AP-PRC-706, Valuing Diversity
  • AP-S-810, Out-of-School Activities

5.0 Related Forms

  • Special Transportation Request for Special Education
  • Request for Special Transportation for Medical Reasons

6.0 Administrative Procedure Review Date

January 2015

7.0 Approved By Board

October 25, 2005

8.0 Effective Date

January 26, 2010

9.0 Review By

  • Special Education Services
  • Communication Services
  • Accessibility for All Committee

10.0 Last Revision Date

January 26, 2010